Send in your own content!

The Submit Content feature is now available on Baako’s Rave! Send in your DIE/BLC-related stuff, and we will get it hosted for you. Upcoming bloggers and web journalists have the option of writing their own article, so please indicate via the provided option if you would like us to publish as it is.

Why should I submit content?

Publishing content such as guides, twitch streams, and more is a great way to raise your profile in the community. Gain more renown for your clan, or become a respected voice on bloodlines/strategy through your public contributions.

Also, building an internet following creates some awesome opportunities that a lot of gaming personalities enjoy today. John Bain (TotalBiscuit)Bachir Boumaaza (Athene) and Sean Plott (Day9) began their career posting stuff from just one, single game.

Why Baako’s Rave?

Baako’s Rave is on track to becoming on of the biggest resources for BLC and DIE, with a view to turn and expand coverage into other games. You can be sure that stuff that you post will not be tucked away behind 9 web clicks to gather dust – it’ll be up front and heavily trafficked by fans and prospective players from the community. With the upcoming release of Stunlock’s new title DIE, our community site is well placed to attract lots of followers from both fanbases.

The site right now is a culmination of all the great contributions and feedback we’ve received so far – a warm thanks to the awesome players that contributed!! We’re looking forward to seeing more from the community in the future ❤

Dead Island Epidemic Beta registration now open


That’s right, beta registrations for DIE are now open. Head on over to the site or click here to be one of the first to play. Remember that the more details you can provide about yourself, the more likely you will secure a place in the first round of Beta invites. See you (hopefully) in-game!

Note to BLC veterans – go easy on them, okay? 😉

Dead Island: Epidemic Hands on Round up


Thousands of avid gamers and industry giants joined the crowds at Gamescom Cologne last week, and some were lucky enough to try out Stunlock’s upcoming Dead Island: Epidemic at the Deep Silver booth. Check out what they and other fans have to say about it.

Shaun McInnis (Gamespot)

Teams capture flags/points around the map, they then hold the base and can pick up supplies over time. The thing I like is that it feels different (to standard MOBA). The matches are about 10 minutes.

Martin Gaston (Gamespot)

Killing neutral zombies running around the map also gets you supplies, at a much slower rate than holding onto a flag. The team with the most amount of supplies wins. There are basic walkers, and they also have super zombies in there.

Andrew Yoon (Shacknews)

Perhaps the most interesting thing Deep Silver is attempting with Epidemic is forcing teams to complete, and cooperate, with one another. Not only will some objectives require cooperation, but super-boss zombies will occasionally appear, “requiring the cooperation of all 3 competing teams” to take down.

Kelz_dunks4life (STFU&Play)

Epidemic features an immense crafting system where players can forge their weapon arsenal of choice. There will be hundreds of weapons, trinkets and items that players can craft, and once crafted, these weapons can continue to be improved to fully suit a player’s personality and play style. Combining weapons and their effects and perks will offer an enormous range of possible setups and a new take on gameplay in this genre.

Mike Futter (Game Informer)

Familiar Dead Island zombie types and weapons make appearances, and a crafting system is under development right now. Each player has four weapon slots (toggled with the 1-4 buttons) and four different abilities (Q, E, R, F). Each character has a resistant and infected form, and instead of turning into a zombie, the infected survivors manipulate the virus to give themselves unique powers and mutations.

For instance, Sledge (likely a temporary name) is a big, slow tank. However, his resistant and infected forms play off that base archetype in different ways. His virus-ridden form gives him the ability to heal allies, taunt foes, and slam the ground after a massive leap. In order to streamline the demo, skills were automatically unlocked and upgraded when points became available.

How’s it sounding to you guys so far? Are there any features or other gameplay mechanics you’d like to see? Leave your thoughts and comments below.


Credits: Special thanks to community member Eidolon for his suggestions!!